Over the last four years, Contemporary Art Awards has given over $20,000 in cash, products and services and we would like to increase this amount in the coming months. Our aim is to support more emerging artists to kick start their art practices. Join our community, enjoy the benefits of collaborating with a national online art award that supports talented emerging artists. We are committed to developing mutually beneficial partnerships, we also invite 'outside the box' proposals such as product or service exchanges.
Contact us today on 0407 739 871 or email: admin@contemporaryartawards.com
Tailored Contemporary Art Award partnerships can:
increase brand awareness among website visitors; and
showcase your company’s support for the arts.
Principal Sponsor $3,000
As one of the Principle Sponsors, your company will benefit from the following:
Advertising and Promotional Opportunities
Your logo and details will feature in our digital catalogue (one-page spread) containing images and artist statements of all the artworks selected.
An opportunity to pre-purchase works from emerging Australian artists before they are exhibited online to the public.
Your logo will feature in all printed and digital advertising.
Your logo will feature in all promotional material.
Your logo will feature on a digital invitation to the Official Opening which is sent out to the Contemporary Art Awards community as well as selected galleries and art institutions throughout Australia.
On pre and post-event media publicity.
Twelve months online presence for your brand on www.contemporaryartawards.com
Your logo will be displayed on the sponsors’ landing page
Major Sponsor $1,000-$1500
As one of the Major Sponsors, your company will benefit from the following:
Advertising and Promotional Opportunities
Your logo and website details will feature in our digital catalogue (one-page spread) which contains the images and artist statements of the winners and selected finalists.
An opportunity to pre-purchase works from emerging Australian artists before they are exhibited online to the public.
Your logo will feature in all printed advertising.
Your logo will feature in all promotional material.
Your logo will feature on a digital invitation to the Official Opening which is sent out to the Contemporary Art Awards community as well as selected galleries and art institutions throughout Australia.
Your business will feature on pre and post-event media publicity.
Twelve months online presence for your brand on www.contemporaryartawards.com
Your logo and a website link will be displayed on the sponsors’ landing page for twelve months.
Co-Sponsor $250-$500
As one of our co-Sponsors, you will benefit from the following:
Company/individual name visibility
Your company/individual name will appear on the website
Other Advertising and Promotional Opportunities
Your logo will feature on our website
A unique opportunity to pre-purchase works from emerging Australian artists before they are exhibited online to the public.
Your logo will feature in all promotional material.​​​
Website Presence on www.contemporaryartawards.com
Your company/individual name will be displayed on our home and sponsors’ landing page for the duration of the exhibition.
To discuss how Contemporary Art Awards can best support your business needs, please contact:
Dr Julie Rees
Phone: 0407 739 871
Direct Email: contemporaryartawards@gmail.com